Friday, December 14, 2012

M31 Andromeda via iTelescope

Took the below photo using the framework. Not bad for a small 80mm scope, definitely worth using this site if you don't have an astrophotography set-up.

10 minute exposure using telescope T3.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Saw Jupiter and 4 of its moons this morning. Below is a webcam snapshot of the planet  - more photos on the photos page.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Transit of Venus

Due to bad weather the Transit of Venus was not seen at my location, however the following webpage shows another astronomer's video:

Also good gallery pics here:

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sun Spots

On the blog Webcam page there are a couple of photos of sun spots taken through a Baader Solar cap with a webcam........hopefully will get some video soon of the Moon and Saturn

Messier Sketches

New messier sketches have been added: M5 and M53 Globular clusters.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Baader Solar Filter

Just received my Baader Solar Filter in time for the Transit of Venus in June. Had a trial run of the filter today and saw the below sun spots very clearly at 32x magnification (image courtesy of NASA).

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Messier Sketches

New messier sketches have been added: M6 and M7 Open Clusters.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

M41 via Setting Circles

Tonight I've setup and successfully used the setting circles on my EQ5 mount.

Firstly I ensured my mount was aligned to the SCP, and then located Sirius (RA 06 45, DEC -16 43). Once I had Sirius centered I set the RA circle and tweaked the DEC circle for the coordinates of Sirius.

My target was M41. M41 has the co-ords of RA 06 46 and DEC -20 46, so I knew that I only really needed to move the telescope in DEC by 4 degrees to be in the ball park. And in the ball park I was - M41 popped in to the eyepiece for some prime cluster viewing.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Using the new  EPs and barlow, I've successfully seen Saturn.

The rings and planet stripes are clearly visible using the barlow and 9mm EP (200x mag).

I also took a look at M42 Orion nebula which fit perfectly in the 9mm EP (with barlow)......beautiful sights.

Friday, April 20, 2012

EPs and Barlow

My two new EPs and 2x Barlow have arrived.

The EPs have a AFOV of 60 degrees and are made by Meade (part of the Meade Series 5000).

I'm yet to try it all out due to rain, rain and more scheduled rain................

To calculate the magnifications: Focal length of scope / EP mm. For example, the 12mm EP yields a magnification of  900mm/12mm = 75x.

So, with my existing and new EPs and Barlow the following mags are possible:

  • 28mm = 32x / 64x
  • 12mm = 75x / 150x
  • 9mm = 100x / 200x

Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's arrived.....

New SkyWatcher scope has arrived. Additional eyepieces now on order to increase magnification (highest useable magnification is 236x).

Eyepieces - 9mm and 12mm with 2x barlow (on order). Existing EP is a 28mm so only a magnification of 32x. The barlow and EPs will allow the magnifications of 32x, 64x, 75x, 100x, 150x and 200x.

Monday, April 2, 2012

New Telescope - on order

After much deliberation I have chosen and ordered the SkyWatcher ED100 Refractor with EQ5 mount. Specs and picture below.


Objective: 100mm
Focal Length: 900mm (f/9)
2-inch dual speed Crayford Focuser
2-inch Dielectric star diagonal
28mm eyepiece
Fully multi-coated optics
1 1/4" mounting plate
Tube Weight 3Kgs

Tube Rings and dovetail mounting plate
9 x 50 finderscope and bracket
Camera adaptor tube
Sturdy Metal Carry Case
EQ5 German Equatorial Mount and counterweights